Cabin Crew Training in Finland

Our training certificate – it's your ticket into new life, full of adventures and new impressions.


  • Initial Cabin Crew training
  • Cabin Сrew Type Conversion
  • Crew Resource Management (CRM)
  • Fire fighting and action in smoke environment
  • Wet Drills and Survival in water
  • First Aid and Medical aspects
  • English for Cabin Crew

About Us

Welcome to Fly.In Training Academy, a leading provider of innovative and comprehensive cabin crew training solutions. With a rich legacy in producing cutting-edge cabin crew trainers, we are excited to embark on a new journey dedicated to shaping the future of cabin crew excellence.
Our training programs are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the European Regulation EU Nr.290/212 and approved by the Authority of Finland (Traficom). The issued Attestation is valid throughout the all countries of European Union.
We are waiting everybody who made a good choice – to become a part of aviation community. It means, that you don't want to get bored in the office, you like travelling, you like communication and thinking out of the box, you are ready to make decisions and take care of others.

Our training certificate – it's your ticket into new life, full of adventures and new impressions.

Our Opportunities

  • Service & Comfort

    Friendly service from application to certification. Comfortable training facility near Vantaa Airport in Helsinki. We are not just a training center to get a certificate.
    We are your comfort zone.
  • Authority Approved

    Our training standards meet and exceed the EASA requirements.
  • Recruitment

    We cooperate with airlines and are ready to help our students find employment after receiving a certificate.
  • Expertise

    Our team comprises industry professionals, and experts who are passionate about imparting their knowledge to the next generation of cabin crew.